VBS Prep
What we do:
Summer VBS for the Whole family, parents included! We have separate sessions just for the adults!
Come join us as we embark on a hike through the wilderness with Jeff and Heather Setzer of Creation Family Ministries! For this VBS theme, Wilderness Wonders, we will discover God's created wonders such as bears, bison, moose, and more!! We will present topics such as:
Big Beasts
Mammoth Mysteries
Big Deal About Bigfoot
Flying Dragons Alive
Beware of Wolves
Can You Bear This?
God Likes Rocks
We bring all our own decorations, although we do welcome the church to decorate as well. We have our own prizes, workbooks, and fun interactive activities for all ages 5 yrs-adult. We also set up a "hands-on" table for all ages to see and hold unique items like fossils, replicas, artifacts, books, DVDs, specimens, and more. At the end of each week, we have a "special guest" come out and distribute balloon sculptures to all of the children. The guest this year is "Bigfoot."
Suggested Schedule
Sunday - Wednesday
6:00 / 6:30 pm - 8:15 / 8:30 pm
Sunday options
- Sunday school - VBS opening/class time
(Jeff is available to teach an adult or teen class while Heather conducts VBS)
- Junior church - “Rally Time”
(Jeff is available to preach while Heather conducts VBS activities)
- Sunday Serivce as normal (children start out in main service)
Monday – Wednesday
(arrival) Registration Time
~25 min. - Opening / Penny Offering / Story Time (Mrs. Heather)
~15 min. - Class Time (Adults remain for a 30 min. class time.)
Church staff teach the memory verse for the day
Staff ask questions from the Opening story (supplied by CFM)
~ 15 min. - Refreshments
~ 75 min. - Rally Time (team competition, songs, presentation/invitation, review game, prizes distributed)
- Dismissal